Oregon Governor Kate Brown Declares A Heat Emergency

SALEM,Ore.– The state of Emergency impacts 25 counties in Oregon from July 25th through July 31st.  This is to  ensure additional resources are available to respond to excessively high temperatures.

“With many parts of Oregon facing a high heat wave, it is critical that every level of government has the resources they need to help keep Oregonians safe and healthy.  I encourage everyone to take proactive steps to keep themselves and their families safe, including drinking plenty of fluids, taking advantage of cooling centers, and checking in on neighbors, friends, and loved ones.”

The Governor has directed the Oregon Department of Emergency Management to activate the state’s Emergency Coordination Center to coordinate essential protective measures.  She has also directed state agencies to provide any assistance requested by OEM to support response efforts.

To find Cooling Centers in Oregon 24/7 call 211.