Portland Mayor Enacts A State Of Emergency, Because of Excessive Crimes Using Guns

PORTLAND, Ore.–The latest plan will focus on community-based outreach to what Mayor Ted Wheeler describes as the 200 individuals responsible for the majority of the shootings in the Rose City.  Wheeler released his plan last Thursday. It was announced shortly after the results of a third party analysis of shootings and gun related deaths in Portland from 2019 to 2021.

California Partnership for Safe Communities, showed homicides more than doubled during the time period previously mentioned.  Non-fatal shootings more than tripled.  During the press conference to announce the State of Emergency, the Mayor says the Safe Summer PDX plan would centralize city resources and prioritize community outreach.  The plan is to reduce shootings by 10% over 2 years.  The approach is proactive focusing on the excessive use of guns, rather than on arrests or prosecution.