Local 43 President Reacts To CityGate Report, As PF&R Works It’s Busiest Year Ever

PORTLAND, Ore.– A CityGate report says Portland Fire & Rescue is operating 20 years behind.  ( See Previous Story)  Isaac McLennan, President of IAFF Local 43 tells me,”Firefighters are overworked and it’s impacting moral.”  The report maintains 16 full time firefighters are needed, when in fact that number should be more like 29.  “Firefighters will do anything and everything to help people.  That’s what they signed up for. Many times we do that at our own peril.”

McLennan says, “These dedicated men and women are working shift after shift.  They’re on the clock an additional 24 or 48 hours per week.  They are missing family events like birthdays, kids playing sports and recitals. Two family wage earners need to cover a partners work schedule as well.”  Firefighters are needed today. A fix can’t wait two years.  The workforce shortage everywhere isn’t helping the situation either.

“We made proposals to city council in June to help offset the issue and haven’t heard from them since.  We’re very willing to work with them.”  Every time there’s a shooting firefighters respond.  Working longer hours exposes them even more than they already are to cancer causing chemicals. Their life spans are shorter.  Working 90 plus hours a week is way too much.

McLennan, who still actively works as a firefighter says,” 2022 has been extremely busy.  This year without a doubt will the busiest year Portland Fire & Rescue has ever seen in it’s history. ”

Station 23 is very much needed.  It would fill a gap on the Eastside.  Isaac McLennan says, ” There’s no excuse for having a fire station without an engine in this day and age.  It’s the only neighborhood that’s not protected by 4 firefighters and a fire engine.  A 4 person crew increases the likelihood of survival.  Firefighters are always willing to show up to serve the community in the worst of circumstances.  We just need to know the city of Portland has our back.  We need our city leaders to be as active and committed to everyone’s safety as we are.”