Day: December 14, 2022


Firefighter Memorial Project Gets Additional Funding

PORTLAND, ORE.– The Portland City Council has recently completed their fall budget adjustment process. The David Camp-bell Memorial Association is pleased to report that $250,000 has been dedi-cated to the Portland Firefighter Memorial Plaza Project. The budget adjustment process occurs in the spring and fall of each year to re-allocate dedicated funds that were not, […]

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Before Governor Brown Leaves She Cancels Death Row As We Know It

SALEM, Ore—Governor Kate Brown today announced that she will use her executive clemency powers to commute the sentences of the 17 individuals on Oregon’s death row to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole. “I have long believed that justice is not advanced by taking a life, and the state should not be in the […]

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West Linn Police Sound The Fentanyl Alarm

WEST LINN, Ore.– Sadly, we need to inform you that the fentanyl problem is present here in West Linn, like it is in many of our surrounding communities as well. Below is a picture of some counterfeit pills our West Linn Police Officers seized. Please be vigilant, please be informed, and please be careful. Fentanyl […]

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