Firefighter Memorial Project Gets Additional Funding

PORTLAND, ORE.– The Portland City Council has recently completed their fall budget adjustment process. The David Camp-bell Memorial Association is pleased to report that $250,000 has been dedi-cated to the Portland Firefighter Memorial Plaza Project. The budget adjustment process occurs in the spring and fall of each year to re-allocate dedicated funds that were not, or could not, be used for their in-tended purposes. For example, if a City Bureau is supposed to employ 500 people, the budget is set up to
have dedicated pay for 500 people. If only 400 of those 500 positions are able to be filled, the additional funding for the other 100 does not get used. The budget adjustment process gathers up unused funds from all bureaus and re-allocates them to fund unforeseen, unexpected, or emergent needs. Moving funds within a dedicated budget is a delicate process and requires the city to use very specific processes to do so.

One benefactor of this adjustment is the Portland Firefighter Memorial Plaza. While the donation does not fully fund the project, it provides a significant amount of money and shows the commitment city leaders have toward this project. Given the high level needs for human services and public safety, this gesture becomes even more significant. The DCMA would like to publicly thank the members of City Council, in particular Jo Ann Hardesty, for their faith in, and support of, this heritage project. The DCMA would also like to thank the many individuals and organizations who chose to contact City Council
members with letters, e-mails, and calls for support of the project. Your public input was heard, and the city responded. Beginning in January, we will strategize our continuing fundraising efforts. Follow our efforts on our website or Facebook page.

Don Porth

DCMA President