West Linn Police Sound The Fentanyl Alarm

WEST LINN, Ore.– Sadly, we need to inform you that the fentanyl problem is present here in West Linn, like it is in many of our surrounding communities as well. Below is a picture of some counterfeit pills our West Linn Police Officers seized. Please be vigilant, please be informed, and please be careful.

Fentanyl is a highly potent synthetic opioid that is often found in the form of counterfeit pills. It is very dangerous, particularly for our officers who have to handle it during investigations. Be aware of what it looks like and understand that even though some drugs are being peddled on the streets as “non-fentanyl,” they are still being found to contain fentanyl anyway. It is frightening how quickly this drug has materialized here.
According to the Oregon Health Authority, “Unintentional fentanyl overdose deaths jumped more than 600% between 2019 and 2021, from 71 to 509, respectively. Of unintentional drug overdose deaths in 2021, 47.5% were due to fentanyl; in 2020, fentanyl caused 32.1% of overdose deaths; in 2019, the drug was responsible for 14.3% of overdoses. Overall, unintentional overdoses from opioids, including fentanyl and heroin, also rose sharply during that time, from 280 to 739 deaths – a 164% increase. Unintentional stimulant – methamphetamine – overdoses were up two-fold, from 325 to 658 deaths from 2019 to 2021.”
Educate yourselves as best you can, talk to your kids, and reach out for help if you need it.
To learn more about fentanyl please follow the link below: