Two Days Dedicated To Learning More About Reducing Risky Behaviors

WEST LINN, Ore.– A great opportunity has presented itself.  Dr. Crystal Collier will be speaking in West Linn next Wednesday and Thursday in Oregon City.  She will share research about how young brains are impacted by drugs, alcohol and tobacco.

Wednesday, April 19, 2023
West Linn High School
5464 West A Street
6:30 p.m     Dessert and coffee/tea
7:00 p.m.    Presentation begins
Thursday, April 20, 2023
Tumwater Ballroom
211 Tumwater Drive, Oregon City6:30 p.m     Dessert and coffee/tea
7:00 p.m.    Presentation begins

Sponsored by Oregon City Together and Community Living Above with support from a Clackamas County Children Family & Community Connections Youth Substance Abuse Prevention Grant. Thank you, Clackamas County Commissioners, for investing marijuana retail tax dollars to help mitigate the negative effect of legalization on our youth!