Clackamas County Chair Disputes The Sheriff’s Accusations of Money Mismanagement

OREGON CITY, Ore.–The Clash between Clackamas County Sheriff Angela Brandenburg and County Commissioners  comes from alleged misuse of funds that came from a public safety levy dating back to 2021.  Commissioners say that same funding should be used to cover a general fund budget shortfall.  The Sheriff says, “No, the levy funding was for additional law enforcement services.  The people of Clackamas County entrusted me to pass this levy to provide that service.”

Commission Chair Tootie Smith Fired back saying, “The new courthouse is being paid through general fund money.  The sheriff acts like she is the only one funding the courthouse.  As a matter of fact she is not funding it.  We have not taken away a single boot on the ground, not a single patrol deputy, investigative or jail personnel to fund the courthouse.”

Smith added,”We are not cutting positions.  Sheriff Brandenburg should have brought her budget concerns to commissioners instead of running to the public and the press.”

Sheriff Brandenburg feels as those in order to balance the $5 million deficit she will have to cut 34 positions when she was hoping to hire 64 new deputies by the end of the year.  The budget should be finalized by June 22nd.