About Rosemary’s New Book : The Murder of Chief Ralph Painter

PORTLAND, Ore. — Writing “Trapped In The System” has been a long process, but one that molded me into a different kind of reporter.  To be curious is a blessing in the line of work I’ve known since I was a young woman.  There is no doubt in my mind that Chief Painter’s family suffered greatly through eight years plus two more.  The cost to Oregon Taxpayers has been crazy expensive.

Oregon was a death penalty state until 2022, when Governor Kate Brown commuted all death sentences in the state.  That put an abrupt end to death row.  I believe what I’ve found out about the Painter case in the last 14 years is riveting at times.  Some things will touch your heart and for sure you will smile at least once.

January 5, 2011 was about to be the last day of Ralph Painter’s life.  There was no way the laid-back fun-loving Rainier Police Chief could have foreseen what was about to happen.  What seemed like an average police call, to a man attempting to steal a car, turned into a gut-wrenching event.  One that paralyzed a small Oregon town, and garnered nationwide attention.

Author Rosemary Reynolds looks deep into the investigation and the evolution of one of Oregon’s longest running court cases. Mental illness, drugs, an overwhelmed court system and a sub-par state hospital keep all the players Trapped In The System.

Trapped In The System: Bringing The Killer of Rainier Police Chief Ralph Painter To Justice” is now available in paperback and Kindle.





“Trapped in the System”- New Book about Murder of Rainier Police Chief


Read sample Trapped In The System: Bringing The Killer of Rainier Police Chief Ralph Painter To Justice


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