Clark County Sheriff’s Deputy Has Leg Amputated After Tree Fall.

VANCOUVER, Wa.– Deputy Drew Kenison was returning from a training session when a tree fell on his car in the snow.   After being transported to Peace Health Wednesday, he was in the operating room for about 3 hours. He was stabilized and transported to Emanuel Hospital in Portland for additional surgery and treatment.

After several hours at Emanuel, the surgeons determined his leg could not be saved, and his left leg was amputated just above the knee. We want to thank the medical teams at Peace Health and Legacy Emanuel for their exceptional efforts. Drew will require further surgeries in the coming days and weeks. He is recovering right now and is in good spirits.
Drew has been a CCSO Deputy for 14 years. In addition to his time on Patrol, Drew has served on special assignments with the US Marshals Fugitive Task Force, our Tactical Detective Unit, and is currently on the Southwest Washington Regional SWAT team.
Drew is a kind and compassionate person who loves serving his community.
The Clark County Sheriff’s Office will continue to support Drew and his family during this time and the many months of recovery to come.
Thank you to the citizens of Clark County who have sent their thoughts and prayers.
Some are asking what more they can do for Drew and his family. The link below can be used to provide additional support to the Kennison family.
Cards and letters of encouragement for Drew and his family would also be welcomed and can be sent to:
Deputy Drew Kennison & Family
c/o Clark County Sheriff’s Office
P.O Box 410
Vancouver, WA 98666