Portland Police Start Wearing Bodycams Today

PORTLAND, Ore.– Until today, Portland had the largest police department in the country without body cameras. 150 officers with central precinct and the Focused Intervention Team will use Axon technology for a two-month pilot program.

“Our officers have been wanting these for years,” said Lt. Nathan Sheppard with Portland Police. “It’s huge and long overdue and we are very happy for this finally to be happening.” Officers are required to turn on their body cameras for every call for service. Beyond that, the cameras automatically turn on in the most crucial moments.  Like when an officer pulls a gun or throws the switch for sirens and lights.

“The camera activates, it detects a Bluetooth signal, and it also activates every body camera nearby,” said officer David Baer. He’s with the Central Precinct Bike Squad.  Officers will be allowed to review video footage before writing a report for minor cases, but not for the bigger events like use of force incidents, shootings, and injuries. In those cases, officers must give an interview or statement first before watching the video back.

It will be October when the city makes the decision as to wether to have all officers wear body- cameras.  A contract would have to be worked out to do that.