CAUGHT: Escapee Up To His Ears In Mud

PORTLAND, Ore.–Portland Firefighters rescued an attempted murder suspect who escaped from the Oregon State Hospital on Wednesday.  39 year old Christopher Lee Pray was awaiting trial on that charge and other crimes.  Pray stole a a mini Dodge Caravan Wednesday evening.  He was last seen with wrist, ankle, and belly restraints.

Bird watchers near a North Portland Slough spotted the man through binoculars.  They weren’t really sure what they were seeing was a person when they called 9-1-1.  When fire crews arrived Pray was completed submerged in the mud.  Only part of his face was above the sludge.  The estimated time Pray was submerged in the slough was about 12 hours.  Fire crew personnel didn’t think he had much longer to live in those conditions.

 He was taken to the hospital where he gave a fake name.  Oregon State Police say luckily a hospital employee recognized him. Portland police went and arrested him.
Photo Credit:  Portland Fire & Rescue
Oregon State Police had not recovered the van as of Friday evening.