- The AICs name as it appears on their Oregon Department of Corrections records (no nicknames)
- The AICs Oregon state offender identification number (SID#)
- Correct facility name and complete address
- A return address with the complete name and address of the sender
Mail Rule Changes:
Division 291-131 Mail (AIC) has been reviewed and revised. The new revisions are effective Monday, January 13, 2025. There were over 600 comments submitted. As the department considered the comments, we took into account the community input, the concerns around contraband in our facilities, and the safety of all involved. DOC wanted to ensure any changes to the rules on mail were made with thoughtful and deliberate reasons to help improve the safety and security of our staff, the adults in our custody, and our institutions.
The below recommendations will be implemented for all mail postmarked after January 13, 2025:
- Incoming mail must be in pen, lead pencil, or be typewritten or photocopied.
- Crayon, marker, etc. is not allowed.
- Incoming mail must be written on standard-weight (20 pounds or less) white paper.
- This is the most common copy/print paper sold.
- Greeting cards are not allowed.
- Incoming mail must be enclosed in a commercially produced envelope using standard weight (20 pounds or less) white paper that is no larger than 9″ x 12″.
- All envelopes must be white.
- Postcards are not allowed.
Examples of items that will be refused:
- Any non-white envelope
- Envelopes larger than 9″ x 12″
- Envelopes that are not commercially produced
- Envelopes made of cardboard, padded, corrugated, or tear-resistant material
- Envelopes constructed of heavy-weight paper (that is, greater than 20 pounds) or with security screening features
- Heavy ink, such as markers, used to address the envelope
- Cardstock (such as is used for greeting cards and postcards)
The full Mail Rule (OAR 291-131) is available on the Oregon Secretary of State’s website:
Prior to January 13, 2025, the revised rule can be found (temporarily) here:
After January 13, 2025, the revised rule can be found (permanently) here:
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to the Mailroom at your loved one’s facility. Phone numbers can be found here: