

Drugs Have Gone To The Dogs In Clackamas County

CLACKAMAS, Ore.– Two Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office K9s — Abbie and Coda — are among the first law-enforcement dogs in Oregon certified to detect fentanyl. On Feb. 7, 2023, the California Narcotic Canine Association (CNCA) certified K9 Abbie in fentanyl detection. Abbie is the first dog serving an Oregon sheriff’s office to earn the distinction; […]

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Lincoln County Sheriff’s Acknowledges Employee Training

LINCOLN CITY,Ore.– Earlier this week, Evidence Control Specialist, Sara Tabb, received her certification with the International Association for Property & Evidence (IAPE). She is officially a Certified Property and Evidence Specialist with IAPE! This certification requires attending a training course, 1 year of experience, and passing a written examination. Well done, Sara! And congratulations on […]

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